Applications for the Project have been filed with the local municipality for municipal approvals under the Planning Act, and with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for provincial approvals under the Aggregate Resources Act. Reports and Plans submitted can be found in the ‘Assessments’ tab above, or Click here for more information.
CBM will be hosting a virtual public information session on Thursday March 20, 2025 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm to provide an update on the CBM Caledon Pit / Quarry Aggregate Resources Act application and revisions the company has made to the application in an effort to address the concerns that have been identified by the community. Click here for more information.
Special Announcement
During the December 1, 2021 project information update session, CBM announced that we will be excluding the southernmost 88 acres of land (outlined and shaded in orange in the figure below) from any future licence application, and for the entirety of the life of any potential quarry that may be approved. In addition to this exclusion, over the next while CBM will be exploring what we can do with these lands that will be directly beneficial to the community. We are very excited by the opportunity that this presents and look forward to working with the neighbours and community at large on what this might mean in the future. As mentioned during the update session, if you have any ideas that you would like us to consider please email David Hanratty, Director of Land & Resources, North America at: We will provide on-going updates to the community as plans progress regarding these lands.
Company Profile
CBM Aggregates is a leading supplier of stone, sand and gravel used to support new construction, modernization and infrastructure development and improvements vital to the economic health, well-being and growth of Ontario.
CBM Aggregates safely operates nearly 60 pits and quarries in Ontario. As part of St Marys Cement Inc. (Canada), founded in 1912, CBM has a long history of working closely with communities to minimize the influence of our operations, manage environmental effects and maximize our positive contribution to the communities in which we operate. CBM also supplies ready-mixed concrete for major projects and award-winning structures, including CN tower.
Canada Building Materials (CBM) and St Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) are part of the North American operations of international building materials supplier, Votorantim Cimentos. More information can be found at
The Project – Proposed CBM Caledon Pit / Quarry
CBM has been exploring the opportunity and feasibility of developing a quarry in the vicinity of Charleston Sideroad and Main Street/Regional Road 136 in the Town of Caledon. The lands in this area are identified in the Town of Caledon Official Plan as a Caledon High Potential Mineral Aggregate Resource Area (CHPMARA). This reflects the fact that the bedrock in this area is considered a significant, high-quality aggregate resource in the province. CBM initiated multiple studies in February 2020 which have assisted in understanding the feasibility for extraction on these lands. As a result of these studies applications have been submitted to the province and the municipality for consideration.
We want to highlight that just because the aggregate resource is protected for a potential future quarry a thorough assessment and review of the applications is required. As part of the application process CBM carried out a very thorough evaluation from 2020 to 2023, which has included field work, background monitoring, scientific analysis, and the completion of technical reports that have been peer reviewed. Through this process CBM committed to communicating with the community on a regular basis, including before any application was made. As the applications have been submitted, they will be independently evaluated by professionals from several government agencies and by peer reviewers engaged by the municipality to ensure the safety of the community and compliance of the project with the appropriate regulatory requirements. Throughout the process, CBM is committed to continuing to keep the community informed on the status of the application.
Contact Us
Your input is an important part of the planning process. Details of public information sessions and opportunities for input will be posted on the Talking to Our Community page as they are scheduled. If you’d like to join our mailing list, have questions, or would like to provide comments please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
David Hanratty, P.Geo.
Director of Land, Resources and Environment, North America
Phone: (705) 930-6180
Mike Le Breton
Land & Resources Manager, Eastern Ontario
Phone: (905) 410-2900
Jennifer Deleemans
Lands and Environment Manager, Ontario
Phone: (416) 999-6104